Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sales Order Flow Statuses

OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL.flow_status_code column values

execute the below query to see the values.
FROM fnd_lookup_values
WHERE lookup_type = 'LINE_FLOW_STATUS'
AND language = 'US'

WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS.Release_Status can have any of the below valide values

Pick Status   Meaning                Description
-----------      --------                   -----------------
  B        Backordered                 Line failed to be allocated in Inventory
  D        Cancelled                     Line is Cancelled
  L        Closed                          Line has been Received
  I         Interfaced                     Line has been shipped and interfaced to Order Management and Inventory
  X        Not Applicable              Line is not applicable for Pick Release
  N        Not Ready to Release     Line is not ready to be released
  P        Purged                          Line has been purged from source system
  R        Ready to Release           Line is ready to be released
  S        Released to Warehouse   Line has been released to Inventory for processing
  C        Shipped                         Line has been shipped
  Y        Staged/Pick Confirmed   Line has been picked and staged by Inventory

WSH_NEW_DELIVERIES.status_code column values

FROM fnd_lookup_values
WHERE lookup_type = 'TRIP_STATUS'
AND language = 'US'

Trip Status   Meaning      Description
-----------      --------         -----------------
  OP          Open         Trip is Open and has not begun
  IT           In-Transit   Trip is in-transit and has begun
  CL          Closed       Trip has completed   


oraclefusion said...

Thanks for sharing the information for the further information visit
Oracle Fusion Financials Training

Unknown said...

You're so interesting and Fantastic; so nice to find someone with some original thoughts on this subject seriously. Many thanks for starting this up.
Oracle Fusion SCM Training