How to get Audit Report using CURL CMD from Oracle HCM Cloud:
Roles required:
Audit Access for Cloud Access Security Broker
Internal Auditor (Optional)
IT Auditor (Optional)
This SQL will list all the VO object that are enabled for Audit.
Select * from FND_AUDIT_WEBAPP_AM where WEBAPP = 'hcmCore';
curl -i -k --user <UserName>:<Pwd> -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data @GetAuditData.json https://<HCM Cloud Host Name>/fscmRestApi/fndAuditRESTService/audittrail/getaudithistory > OutputFileName.txt
Json File Sample content:
"fromDate": "2019-01-08",
"toDate": "2019-01-12",
"product": "hcmCore",
"businessObjectType": "oracle.apps.hcm.people.core.uiModel.view.ManagePersonVO",
"timeZone":"US Pacific Time"
"fromDate": "2018-10-10",
"toDate": "2018-11-06",
"product": "hcmCoreSetup",
"businessObjectType": "oracle.apps.hcm.workStructures.grades.uiModel.view.GradeVO",
"timeZone":"US Pacific Time"
curl -i -k -u <UserName>:<Pwd> -X GET https://<HCM Cloud Host Name>/hcmRestApi/scim/Users > OutputFileName.txt